USA Team (girl's book)


Maggie Schmitt

Maggie has an Masters in Public Health in Forced Migration and Health from Columbia University. She has worked on a range of community health systems, menstrual health and hygiene management and adolescent health research projects at Columbia over the past 9 years. Maggie leads data collection activities for the USA girl’s book currently underway in Los Angeles and Chicago.


Azure has a Masters in Public Health in Sociomedical Sciences from Columbia University and is the Associate Director of the Lerner Center for Health Promotion. Azure provides administrative and research support to the center, including coordinating the Health Communication certificate program. Azure leads the data collection activities for the USA girl’s book in New York City.

Nana Adenu-Mensah

Nana is a Masters in Public Health student in Sociomedical Sciences. Previously, she has supported research projects on obesity treatment and the utilization of water, sanitation and hygiene solutions in rural Haiti. She has also taught at a middle school located in Takoradi, Ghana. Nana currently is a data collection assistant for the USA girl’s book in New York City.


Caitlin Gruer

Caitlin Gruer has a Masters in Public Health in Sociomedical Sciences from Columbia University. She has worked on research and programming related to the intersection of gender and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), menstrual hygiene management and pubertal transitions at Plan International and now Columbia University. Caitlin supports data collection activities for the USA girl’s book in New York City.

Katie Keeley

Katie has a Bachelors in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois and is a Clinical Research Coordinator at Ann & Robert H Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago. Katie also coaches for Girls on the Run, an organization serving low-income Chicago youth. She is pursuing a Masters in Public Health at DePaul University in Community Health Practice. She supports data collection activities for the USA girl’s book in Chicago.